Why Parks need our help
Our Health
There is a crisis of chronic health problems in the U.S.
There is a crisis of chronic health problems in the U.S.
Chronic disease is responsible for 75% of all the health care costs in the US. San Diego County's direct health care costs for the most common chronic diseases is $8 billion dollars per year, according to the California Department of Public Health.
Our Community
As a nation, we will tear down and rebuild 42% of our urban spaces in the next 17 years.
City of San Diego Policy No. 700-10 Disposition of City Owned Real Property
Economic driver!
- These vacant, underutilized brownfields can be transformed for economic benefit
- Economic income opportunities can be generated by effectively using these properties
Economic driver!
- Housing values next to greenways are 10% higher
- Greenways bring in a 9:1 return on investment in economic benefits to the community
42% of all urban land will be redeveloped by the year 2030.
Our Opportunity
- San Diego Paths to Healthy Living and CA Strategic Growth Council Healthy and Safe Physical Environments will improve community design for walking and biking
- Increase physical activity opportunities in the community
- Safe Routes to School Strategic Plan
- Public Health & Wellness Policies for Regional Land Use & Transportation Planning
- Regional Monitoring & Evaluation for Physical Activity & Public Health
By creating opportunities for physical activity, we can improve public health through community design.
Important Links
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Rd
Atlanta, GA 30333
Contact CDC-INFO
[email protected]
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Rd
Atlanta, GA 30333
Contact CDC-INFO
[email protected]